I know I can assign a key to quit, but if I can, I would rather use the same combo key on xpadder to close all the emulators (will be easier to remember).
Right now, I'm using the combo LB+click on the right analog stick to emulate the ESC key on xpadder, and can quit Final Burn Alpha (and others emulators which use the ESC key to quit) this way (right analog stick click, without LB, is configured to reset in those emulators).
Until now, I had mapped the right analog stick click in Mame to do the quit button, but if I can use an AutoIt script, I will then be able to use that stick to do reset, which would also be cool)
I tried Mame in command line and it only require : "Mame nameoftherom" (no .zip needed, but it also works when you put a .zip extension anyway) so I tried to use the Model 2 script one, but Mame don't start with it, which is pretty weird.
Code: Select all
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
$path = "F:\Jeux PC [Downloads]\Emulation\mame0149b\"
$app = "mame.exe"
If $CmdLine[0] == 1 Then
$PID = Run( $path & $app & ' ' & $CmdLine[1], $path)
While 1
Func Terminate()
While ProcessExists ( $PID )
ProcessClose ( $PID )
Exit 0
Code: Select all
<Cmd id="0" name="MAME" value="-rompath "%path" %file%ext %volume -skip_gameinfo -nowindow" />
Thanks a lot.