Search box polish

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Jr. Member
Jr. Member
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:53 pm

I think the search could use some polish.

- For starters it would be great to allow keyboard input. When sitting in front of the pc it feels clunky to have to use the mouse to click the letters.
- The search should directly reflect the first letter I press and jump there. Why does it only update after the third input letter? I don't even know if a game is available before I input three letters
- when the search box is closed but I have a search filter active I would like to be able to clear it with "esc" instead of having to go back to the search box, clear and close it again.
- when the search box is closed I would like to be able to see my active filter

Ideally I would like a "desktop mode" with a search box running in the background detecting keystrokes and displaying search results in real time. This is how the FS UAE Arcade launcher works and it feels extremely fast and intuitive. Of course that would mean any menus would require a function key to be accessed...
Hero Member
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For starters it would be great to allow keyboard input. When sitting in front of the pc it feels clunky to have to use the mouse to click the letters.
You can use the joypad ^^. It's a game machine.
The search should directly reflect the first letter I press and jump there. Why does it only update after the third input letter? I don't even know if a game is available before I input three letters
Because 1 letter is not representative, it s not for the first letter, it can be everywhere, if i use "E", I think 50% of games will be displayed. 3 is a good compromise.
when the search box is closed but I have a search filter active I would like to be able to clear it with "esc" instead of having to go back to the search box, clear and close it again.
Press the "favorite" key one time, toogle on the favorite panel, Press the "favorite" key a second time time, toogle off the favorite panel.
Press the "Top 10" key one time, toogle on the Top10 panel, Press the "Top 10" key a second time time, toogle off the Top 10 panel.
Press the "search" key one time, toogle on the search panel, Press the "search" key a second time time, toogle off the searchpanel.
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