Even though I've set Mesen to close with the Esc key, it stays in the background when mGalaxy is open, and then when I try to launch another game, it doesn't show up.
Can someone please create a script to fix this? I replaced the emulators name in the Snes9x script and compiled it with Autoit, but it didn't work.
Mesen not closing properly
Do you mean that when you LAUNCH a game the emulator runs background...or when you QUIT the game the emulator goes background?it stays in the background when mGalaxy is open
Check the command line that you've created by yourself (http://www.mgalaxy.com/forum/index.php?topic=1036.0)
In this line, 'hidden' should be set to false..is it the case?
Here is the correct line:
Code: Select all
<Cmd hidden="false" name="Mesen" value=""%path\%file%ext" /fullscreen /DoNotSaveSettings /MasterVolume=%volume(0,100)" extensions=".7z,.nes,.zip"/>