mGalaxy 6: Problems with search function

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Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:42 pm

The search funktion only seems to work with the frist query.... but the is no way to get back to the whole list or to successfully to another search.
  • The "clear" button removes the little looking glas in the status bar, but the list stays filtered.
  • A different search also does nothing, sometimes you just get the "the filter produces an empty list" (even if this is impossible).
This bug seems to be independent from the selected system (tested it with MAME an Windows Applications).

The only workaround at the moment for a proper filter rest I found (execpt for restarting mGalaxy) seems to chance the system once, than to go to go back to the first system.

Ist this an known bug with Ver 6.0? Or I`m just missing something?
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Yep, that's right, the latest build of mGalaxy could not give the expected result with the search window.
This concern was quickly addressed. I will ask you to download the mGalaxy installer again and to proceed to a new install.

Simply keep a copy of your 'License.xml' file and 'Data' folder somewhere.
Uninstall, then install from the new installer.
Finally, put the 'License.xml' and 'Data' folder that you backed-up into the mGalaxy folder!

Really sorry for the inconvenience!
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