There is already a Blue MSX selection for an MSX emulator so why not allow is to be selected for Coleco vision as well...
That Mess is terrible....
why not have Blue MSX as a selection for Coleco ??
Go to mGalaxy 'Data' folder. Open 'systems.xml' file with a text editor.
Search for the Colecovision block; it starts with
You now can launch mGalaxy_Runway to set the Colecovision emulator to blueMSX
Search for the Colecovision block; it starts with
A little bit lower, add this line (the one in orange here)<System Type="Console">
<Name>Coleco Colecovision</Name>
Save. You're done.<Emu selected="0">
<Cmd id="0" name="MESS" value="coleco -cart "%path\%file%ext" -volume -%volume(32,0) -skip_gameinfo -nowindow" />
<Cmd id="1" name="blueMSX" value="/fullscreen /machine "COL - ColecoVision" /rom1 "%path\%file%ext"" />
You now can launch mGalaxy_Runway to set the Colecovision emulator to blueMSX