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1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:56 am
by church1138
Hey mGalaxy users! Huge fan of the program, it's working flawlessly for me, save for, of course, N64 emulation.

Quick question regarding using 1964 Ultrafast(more stable for me than PJ.) Launching the game works fantastically, but when Exiting the game via Escape (using the AutoIt script), it looks like an instance of it stays open upon closure, preventing any new N64 games from launching due to the old instance of 1964 still running. In order to run a new game, I have to go to Task Manager and close the game out manually. Not ideal in a situation where the PC isn't nearby to shutdown the task (using dummy terminal to stream the games across a Gig LAN via Steam IHS).

Is there a fix that can be made with this? Or perhaps, with the AutoIt script, can the code be extended to issue a force quit on the task itself? Sorry if that sound silly, but I'm a network guy, not a programmer. :P

Let me know. I'd love to keep using this program, and I would just love to find a workaround for this particular issue.



OS: Windows 10
CPU: Intel i5 4670
GPU: Nvidia GTX 760

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:23 am
by Aeliss
Effectively, there is a problem here.
But it seem the problem is from the emulator, I can't use it with command line, every time the same bug, no game loaded, a freeze and locked in memory.
Perhaps a config problem.

Edit: I think we can remove 1964 from supported emulators.
The command line is too bugy to be used.
If you use fullscreen in command line > freeze
Need to reset after loading
Send key gestion is random.

This autoit script is working, but realy random

Code: Select all

#include <Misc.au3>
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)

Local $count = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, ".exe", 0, 1, 1)
local $app = StringLeft ( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
local $command = StringTrimLeft( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
if not $command then exit 0

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

$PID = run( '"' & $app & '" ' & $command )

;wait for emul start max 5s
WinWaitActive ( "Nineteen64","", 5 )

Send("{F2}") ; Reset
Send("!{Enter}") ; Fullscreen

While ProcessExists ( $PID )

Exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
	  ProcessClose ( $PID )

    Exit 0
But to use it you need to remove the "-f" from command line in "Systems.xml" file

old : <Cmd id="0" name="1964 / 1964 UltraFast" value="-f -g "%path\%file%ext"" />
news : <Cmd id="0" name="1964 / 1964 UltraFast" value="-g "%path\%file%ext"" />

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:28 pm
by church1138
Hey Aeliss,

Thanks for your reply!

So will the AutoIt script be more consistent if the -f parameter is removed from the Systems.xml file, or is this a more temporary fix?

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:23 pm
by mgalaxy
If you use fullscreen in command line > freeze
No freeze for me! (but still a problem on quit)

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:23 pm
by Aeliss
I m using 0.9.9 version (fresh install, defaut pluggin (RiceDaedalus 5.2.0), perhaps bad source)
If I use the "-f" option, the windows stay in windowed mode, I can listen the sound but no picture, the mouse disapear when I go on the window, and it's realy hard to close the application.

Without the "-f' option, the game start (in windowed mode normal), I can listen the sound still no picture, I need to reset with F2, to have all working correctly.

If mGalaxy (the dev, not the application ^^)  don't have this problem try with bat file. eg

Code: Select all

"F:\emulateur\Nintendo\N64\1694\099\1964.exe" -f -g "F:\emulateur\Nintendo\N64\roms\Airboarder 64 (E) [!].z64"
if you have a correct emulation and can quit with alt+f4, You haven't same problem than me, and you need a more simplist script than mine.

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:43 pm
by church1138
Yeah Aeliss, using that bat script worked about as well as it did for you. Loaded up fine, but the same issues rose up with trying to quit via Alt+F4.

mGalaxy, do you know if this is common with the 1964 + mGalaxy stuff, or is this not by design?

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:10 pm
by mgalaxy
Would you please try using this script? (it works for me!);sa=view;down=61

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:31 pm
by Aeliss
I have tried different pluggin for this emul, RiceDaedalus5.4.2, RiceVideo6.1.0, but nothing to do, if I use fullscreen option, all is locked.
You are using wich one version all ?

I have finally found a working version, the 1.1, IDK why but on the official site this one is named "source" but it's an official/complete.
The new script is working for me, with all(the normal one) command line.

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:47 pm
by mgalaxy
You are using wich one version all ?
v3 coming from

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:00 pm
by Aeliss
It's ok for me.

New script working for both version, normal one (but at least 1.1) and utrafast (v3).

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:09 pm
by church1138
Hey all,

Yeah I have the AutoIt script from [url=http://""]mGalaxy's 1964 AutoIt page[/url] placed in the same folder as my installation of 1964 Ultrafast v3. Is there a new script that I'm supposed to be using that's not the one I linked? Alternatively, is there some kind of magical plugin combo that I could use to make this work? I'm using the default plugins right now, but regardless of which graphics plugin I utilize, it still doesn't exit correctly.

EDIT: I see you put a new script in-line in this forum page.

I'll have to check it when I get home.

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:01 pm
by church1138
Works perfectly! :D Now just tinkering with the plugins to get certain games to work.  >:(

What is different between the new script and the older one? I'm curious. Can you post the source?

Re: 1964 Force Close Issues

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:31 pm
by mgalaxy
This is actually the 'usual' ProcessClose code!! ... 16#msg1816