video snaps not working with windows XP

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I have installed mGalaxy 4 on my old laptop with the plans of using it as the guts for my mame cabinet I am working on. My laptop have windows XP SP3 on it, and I cannot get the video snaps to play in mGalaxy. When I launch the program, the screenshot of the first game appears, then for some reason the preferences windows flashes, and no video plays. I am using some of the videos from emumovies as mentioned around this site, my folders are configured correctly with the mGalaxy runway, and I have a codec pack installed, so there shouldn't be any codec issues. The videos play fine in any of my media players.  Any ideas on what might be causing the videos to not play?
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Some questions:
- Can you continue to browse the list or are you stuck on first game?
- What's your video file format? mp4 or avi?
- Is Windows Media Player installed on your system? Which version?
Last edited by mgalaxy on Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:43 pm

OK, the problem has been resolved by updating WMP to the current version. I had WMP 9 still. (i don't generally use WMP and apparently never updated it)    I figured that might be the issue the second i read  "Is Windows Media Player installed on your system? Which version?" 

Thanks. Everything is working great now    8)
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