Game Screenshots
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:40 pm
I've got 2 ideas for the screenshot display.
1) It would be nice to display something other than png's. For instance, I'd rather see the cart images for the 2600. These are in jpg format, so don't display if I point mGalaxy to the directory where they are. Also some emus save screenshots as bmp - might be worth considering.
2) Rather than displaying "No Screenshot available" etc. for games where you can't find a match in the snap directory - why not use the opportunity to advertise mGalaxy?? You could have a nice image of the mGalaxy logo, a reminder of the website address, and something small somewhere to say that there's no screenshot for the game, at the bottom maybe. This should be a quick bit of programming for you, and helps to advertise the frontend in otherwise wasted space. If you had the time, you could even have different images advertising mGalaxy (including the supporter's edition) in different colours and cycle them.
1) It would be nice to display something other than png's. For instance, I'd rather see the cart images for the 2600. These are in jpg format, so don't display if I point mGalaxy to the directory where they are. Also some emus save screenshots as bmp - might be worth considering.
2) Rather than displaying "No Screenshot available" etc. for games where you can't find a match in the snap directory - why not use the opportunity to advertise mGalaxy?? You could have a nice image of the mGalaxy logo, a reminder of the website address, and something small somewhere to say that there's no screenshot for the game, at the bottom maybe. This should be a quick bit of programming for you, and helps to advertise the frontend in otherwise wasted space. If you had the time, you could even have different images advertising mGalaxy (including the supporter's edition) in different colours and cycle them.