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Retroarch and mGalaxy

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:28 pm
by Disney Rob
Not a problem here, but maybe a glitch.
I am playing Magnavox Odysee II and Phillips V-Pac using O2EM, through mGalaxy so I knwo they work.
However if I try to run them through Retroarch using the Magnavox Odysee core they work through Retroarch but now when you run retroarch through mGalaxy
Maybe something you want to look into.

Re: Retroarch and mGalaxy

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:47 pm
by mgalaxy
I've run a test with both systems (from mGalaxy) and both work...provided you put the 'O2ROM.BIN" bios in
RetroArch\system\O2ROM.BIN (when using RetroArch)
o2em118win\BIOS\O2ROM.BIN (when using o2em)

Moreover I remind you that this emulator does not work with zipped roms, they must be in .bin format

That's all the info I have!

Re: Retroarch and mGalaxy

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:01 pm
by Disney Rob
That works, I was using another Magnavox bios.And though it worked on systems, it was not universal.