This emulator will be added to the next version of mGalaxy.
If you want to use it right now, this is how to process:
Open "mGalaxy\Data\Definition\Emulators.xml" file with a text editor
Just after the <Emulators> tag (line 2) insert this text by copy/paste:
<Emulator name="CoolCV" hidden="true">
<System name="Coleco Colecovision" option="" script="true" cmd=""%path\%file%ext"" extensions=".col,.rom,.zip"/>
So the final text should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Emulator name="CoolCV" hidden="true">
<System name="Coleco Colecovision" option="" script="true" cmd=""%path\%file%ext"" extensions=".col,.rom,.zip"/>
<Emulator name="1964, 1964 UltraFast" hidden="false">
<System name="Nintendo 64" option="" script="true" cmd="-f -g "%path\%file%ext"" extensions=".n64,.z64,.zip"/>
<b>To quit emulator using the ESC key</b>
This feature is not available in the emulator. mGalaxy will take care of it with a script.</Requirement>
Don't forget to save!
Copy the file attached to this post (CoolCV.au3) into "mGalaxy\Data\Scripts"
From there, you will be able to use CoolCV!
Just note that if you want to run it fullscreen, you will have first to open CoolCV standalone, press Alt-Enter to switch to fullscreen, then Alt-F4 to quit CoolCV...for the fullscreen setting to be kept in memory!