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Changing Default Emulators

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:04 pm
by Disney Rob
Is there a way to add emulators to the choices you have for your emulation.
Case in point Amstrad CPC
Winape is fine, but it is finicky as anything.
Retroarch handles the Amstrad CPC so much better.
Is there some way to add retroarch to my list of emulators for Amstrad CPC
I have changed my path from WINAPE to Retroarch but because Winape is the chosen one on Roadway, it does nothing.
Obviously if this works in this instance, I can use it other times as well.

Re: Changing Default Emulators

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:14 pm
by mgalaxy
What are the cores you would like to use?
From what I know, there would be 'cap32_libretro.dll' or 'crocods_libretro.dll'. Is that correct? Is there any other?

Otherwise, here is how to proceed:

1. Open "mGalaxy v8.0\Data\Definition\Emulators.xml" with a text editor
2. Do a search on "RetroArch", you should see something like that
3. Copy/Paste those 2 lines

Code: Select all

<System name="Amstrad CPC" option="cap32_libretro.dll" script="false" cmd="-f -L cores\cap32_libretro.dll "%path\%file%ext"" extensions=".dsk,.zip"/>
<System name="Amstrad CPC" option="crocods_libretro.dll" script="false" cmd="-f -L cores\crocods_libretro.dll "%path\%file%ext"" extensions=".dsk,.zip"/>
Just like this
4.Save. From now you'll be able to choose Retroarch with Amstradt CPC

(This will be added to the next version of mGalaxy)

Re: Changing Default Emulators

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:26 pm
by Disney Rob
Thank you so much. It worked like a charm !!!!