Ha ? There isn't script for it ?
I don't remember the reason.
A thing you can try
- Install DeamonTool, add a SCSI drive (not working with DT)
- Take a look in "mGalaxy\Data\Scripts"
- Copy paste the file "SSF [Script + DTlite].au3"
- Rename it "MagicEngine.au3"
edit the file
Code: Select all
;----------========== Parsing (common to every scripts) ==========----------
; There has been a call from mGalaxy to AutoIt and a commandline has been passed to it:
; Structure:/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "Path_to_script(between quotes)" Path_to_emu Emu_parameters(including a "Path_to_rom"(between quotes))
; Example:/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "C:\...\MESS [Script].au3" C:\...\mess64.exe a800 -flop1 "C:\...\Boulder_Dash.zip" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow
; 1. We don't need the part related to AutoiIt anymore [/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "Path to script (between quotes)"], the rest is assigned to '$commandline'
; 2. '$commandline' is then split in two: [Path_to_emu] goes to '$app', [parameters(including a "Path to rom" (between quotes))] goes to '$command'
; 3. Some apps (MESS for instance, when it searchs for a system Bios) need to know the path to their 'Working Directory'. We do 'extract' it from the full app path
; 1
Local $count = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, '.au3"', 0 , 1, 1)
Local $commandline = StringTrimLeft( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 5 )
; 2
Local $count2 = StringInStr($commandline, '.exe', 0 , 1, 1)
local $app = StringLeft ($commandline, $count2 + 3 )
local $command = StringTrimLeft($commandline, $count2 + 4 )
if not $command then exit 0
; 3
Local $workingDir = StringRegExpReplace($app, "\\[^\\]*$", "")
Local $openingCMD
Local $closingCMD
;Check path to DTLite.exe (way to detect and use DaemonTools v5)
Local $pathdaemon = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\DTLite.exe", "")
If not $pathdaemon Then
;Check path to DTAgent.exe (way to detect and use DaemonTools v10)
$pathdaemon = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "DAEMON Tools Lite Automount")
If not $pathdaemon Then
MsgBox(4096, "Search error", "DAEMON Tools Lite not found. Please install it!")
exit 0
$pathdaemon = StringTrimRight ( $pathdaemon, 9 )
$openingCMD = $pathdaemon & ' -mount dt,0,' & $command
$closingCMD = $pathdaemon & ' -unmount dt,0'
$pathdaemon = '"' & $pathdaemon & '"'
$openingCMD = $pathdaemon & ' -mount scsi, 0,' & $command
$closingCMD = $pathdaemon & ' -unmount 0'
;RunWait('"' & $app & '-cd"')
$PID = Run( '"' & $app & '" -cd' )
While ProcessExists ( $PID )
Exit 0
Func Terminate()
While ProcessExists ( $PID )
ProcessClose ( $PID )
Exit 0
This is for test, if it work you need to make a clean system just for this machine and change the script file according to it, else this script will be used for all game used by this emul, even the roms.
And this script is basic it don't work for both DT versions.