New Missile Command & Pac/Ms. Pac Art Inside

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I upgraded my setup to MAME 0.221 and decided to button up some marquee and game logo art that's been bothering me for a while.

Missile Command: The marquee I liked was the original with the speaker holes, but I naturally hated the holes. I know other marquees exist where people Photoshopped the orange to fill it in, but I wanted something more authentic. So in Photoshop I added speaker grills and phillips head screws. I even randomized each of the screws on the left by rotating each randomly. Then when I copied them for the right, I moved the positions around.

Pac-Man & Ms. Pac-Man: I love the speedup hack versions of each game. They make them infinitely more fun to play for me and it's actually what I mainly grew up with. However, I hated that the regular version game logo art and marquees were exactly the same as the speedup versions. I created a custom "speed up" logo of sorts and added some text to set them apart.

By no means am I a pro at using Photoshop or graphic design in general, but I think they came out alright.

Below I'll include the actual files in case anyone wants them, as well as screenshots of them in mGalaxy.

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Here are the other files...
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