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s this happening to anybody else?

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:06 pm
by Disney Rob
Whenever I got to load graphics, and animations from the database. It seems it is hit or miss.
When I run scraper it is a crap shot if it will do anything or not.
Before I had no issue at all with downloading graphics or animations for the database.
This time however it is acting all wonky.
I was able to load about five systems using scraper. Then nothing.
Next day I was able to load some more. Then it went out.
Last night it started working again. But after doing four systems, it stopped working again.
I still have a few systems to go. Is there an issue with scraper, or the server.
Does someone have a work around, I would like to finish loading the graaphics, and animations for my games.
Thank You.

Re: s this happening to anybody else?

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:47 pm
by mgalaxy
There's indeed a problem with Screenscraper (the webservice used to get the media file). It was decided to close it for non registered user (registration is free by the way)
The workaround is to register a (free) account with them...and for me to adapt mGalaxy to allow you to enter a log and password inside mGalaxy_Runway.
I've nearly finished to work on it..just see the scraping speed once you register

Re: s this happening to anybody else?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:44 pm
by Disney Rob
Cool beans... Is there a ballpark on when the update will released?

Re: s this happening to anybody else?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 8:04 pm
by mrsunnybones
was there an update on this at all?
ran through updating twice before I noticed this post  :'(
I 'll register a free account with them now