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mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:04 am
by devnull
Ok, so I have mgalaxy 3.0 on the same directory where I have a mame .143 installed. I downloaded the Catver.ini for .143 from the mgalaxy downloads page and put it on the same directory. The problem I have is that mgalaxy doesn't seem to be reading the catver.ini file. When I go to the configuration menu and under category select 'genre' instead of 'all', no categories are listed.
While I'm asking, is there a way to skin Mgalaxy? How about removing the voice effects?
Thanks in advance.
Re: mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:55 am
by mgalaxy
devnull wrote:
I downloaded the Catver.ini for .143 from the mgalaxy downloads page...
We do not provide "catver.ini" files to download on our pages!
What you see on our download page is the v0.143 database needed to run the "old" mGalaxy v1.2
You can download catver.ini here:
Unfortunately, they only offer the last version of their files..and I'm not aware of a "catver.ini" files archive!!
Re: mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:59 am
by devnull
Downloaded that one, same problem. When I go to the configuration menu and under category select 'genre' instead of 'all', no categories are listed.
For the record, that file looks just like the one on the zip v0.143 database I got from the homepage.
Also, the latest version from is for .99u2, a bit outdated.
Re: mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:37 am
by mgalaxy
Very strange!
So, you should have, in the same folder, at the same level:
Is this the case? (just to be sure)
PS: I enclose my v145 "Catver.ini" file
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Re: mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:22 am
by devnull
Yup. Mgalaxy.exe, mame.exe, and now your catver.ini are on the same directory.
Your catver.ini looks just like the catver.ini on the mame database that you can download from the front page of
Same problem regardless of which catver.ini I use. When I go to the configuration menu and under category select 'genre' instead of 'all', no categories are listed.
Re: mgalaxy not reading Catver.ini
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:56 am
by mgalaxy
- Apart from this problem, is everything working as it should? For example, can you save (then recall) your favorites/Top10Played/Top10Favorites?
- Did you proceed with a "clean" install?
- What's your PC configuration?