Not all videos showing + Premium themes missing

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Jr. Member
Jr. Member
Posts: 14
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I just installed and configured 7.0 version, works just fine except for 2 (minor) issues:

- Some (20% ca.) of the Mame videos are not playing on mGalaxy, although updated via databases. Video/roms file names are correctly matching, simply some of the videos are not showing up. They are all MP4 and were showing up on 6.3 version.

- I'm a Premium user but I've got only 6 themes from the Runway dropdown menu (2 base themes + Presenter, Arcade, My Vintage Room, My Arcade Room). All themes are correctly on UI_Themes folder but Runway only shows little of them.

Any clue for these issues?

Thank you in advance,

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- Some (20% ca.) of the Mame videos are not playing on mGalaxy, although updated via databases. Video/roms file names are correctly matching, simply some of the videos are not showing up. They are all MP4 and were showing up on 6.3 version.
Could you please list a couple of video names that don't play?
- I'm a Premium user but I've got only 6 themes from the Runway dropdown menu (2 base themes + Presenter, Arcade, My Vintage Room, My Arcade Room). All themes are correctly on UI_Themes folder but Runway only shows little of them.
Everything's OK, mGalaxy v7.0 "only" uses 6 themes for now...which one from the older version miss you?
Jr. Member
Jr. Member
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Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:11 pm


Thank you for your quick reply!

Videos: I checked the properties and fond that the problem is a weird resolution value in some videos updated from Screenscraper (for instance, 2168 x 4294967232 - ! -; or 2176 x 16). Everything's fine with 640 x 480 (or lower) ones. Don't know where these fuzzy values come from, I'll make a try to convert them to proper values (or is there a better solution?)

Themes: All of them :) Anyway, I'm glad to hear that this is normal, and not due to som bug.


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