New Winkawaks AutoIT
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:19 pm
I'm using Winkawaks 1.65 and I had problems with the mGalaxy default script, I got freeze when I exit the emulator.
So I maked experimentations and I have made this script, it reduce the window before any operations, that was the cause of the freeze.
I'm using Winkawaks 1.65 and I had problems with the mGalaxy default script, I got freeze when I exit the emulator.
So I maked experimentations and I have made this script, it reduce the window before any operations, that was the cause of the freeze.
Code: Select all
;----------========== Parsing (common to every scripts) ==========----------
; There has been a call from mGalaxy to AutoIt and a commandline has been passed to it:
; Structure:/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "Path_to_script(between quotes)" Path_to_emu Emu_parameters(including a "Path_to_rom"(between quotes))
; Example:/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "C:\...\MESS [Script].au3" C:\...\mess64.exe a800 -flop1 "C:\...\" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow
; 1. We don't need the part related to AutoiIt anymore [/AutoIt3ExecuteScript "Path to script (between quotes)"], the rest is assigned to '$commandline'
; 2. '$commandline' is then split in two: [Path_to_emu] goes to '$app', [parameters(including a "Path to rom" (between quotes))] goes to '$command'
; 3. Some apps (MESS for instance, when it searchs for a system Bios) need to know the path to their 'Working Directory'. We do 'extract' it from the full app path
; 1
Local $count = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, '.au3"', 0 , 1, 1)
Local $commandline = StringTrimLeft( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 5 )
; 2
Local $count2 = StringInStr($commandline, '.exe', 0 , 1, 1)
local $app = StringLeft ($commandline, $count2 + 3 )
local $command = StringTrimLeft($commandline, $count2 + 4 )
if not $command then exit 0
; 3
Local $workingDir = StringRegExpReplace($app, "\\[^\\]*$", "")
hotkeyset("{esc}", "Terminate")
;load application
Runwait ( '"' & $app & '" ' & $command )
exit 0
Func Terminate()
Exit 0