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Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:29 pm
by Aeliss
I need some help again ^^.
I need an icon for this system

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:52 am
by mgalaxy
Here you are!! (Added to the default systems, too)

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:17 pm
by Aeliss
Nice thx ^^.

I haven't finished to install the new version  (I have somes problems with a special GB system). But I haven't found bugs yet. Just somes remarks.

Master system, I have some roms .SMS format.
GBC .GB and .GBC

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:02 pm
by mgalaxy
Thanks for your feedback Aeliss.
Those extensions have been added to the default system settings.

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:12 am
by davhuit
Personally, I finished my installation and everything seems to work fine :)

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:41 pm
by Aeliss
Still no bug ^^.

But another icon to make pls.

Amstrad GX4000

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:58 pm
by mgalaxy
Here it is Aeliss...would you please message me the xml system info and eventually the script?

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:33 pm
by Aeliss
Yep sure, in fact it s an obsolette system. Only  25 games have been made for this console.
The games works too on an amstrad cpc 6128+ because this computer can take D7 and cartridge. Really few peoples have buy this console.

Before yesterday I was using the cpc system to play them but I have 6000 Roms for Cpc 6128+ D7 format and only  25 for cartridge. And I m boring to search one of the 25 cartridge game in the midst of the 6000 others.

Perhaps It will be usefull  a color system in list rom, one color by extensions ?

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:39 pm
by davhuit
Aeliss wrote: Tell me if you have settings problems on the emulator because I don't remember if they are hard to find  :-\


Emulator 4DO

Special Setting : Nothing.

Code: Select all

    <Name>Panasonic 3do</Name>
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="4do" value="--StartFullScreen -StartLoadFile "%path\%file%ext"" />
    <Ext selected="0">
      <Suf id="0" value=".cue" />
3do have some laserdisk game, but take care, on this emulator loading with laserdisk can take 10 15 mn, so a black screen during 10 mn is normal.
Last versions seems to have compatibility problems because some games I tested don't work witht he last versions but works with 1.3.0 (that's the mainly one used in the compatibility lists)

But actually, 4DO would require an auto-it script because the "ESC" key is already mapped to the "window mode" in the emulator, so you can't quit with it (you can only quit with "ALT+F4" for now, so with the keyboard, which would be a problem for people who use arcade cabinet).

Except that little problem, it seems to work fine with Mgalaxy.

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:26 pm
by Aeliss
You can configure the escape key in options/ controler configuration/console and assign a joypad key to the exit function.

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:49 pm
by mgalaxy
But actually, 4DO would require an auto-it script because the "ESC" key is already mapped to the "window mode" in the emulator, so you can't quit with it (you can only quit with "ALT+F4" for now, so with the keyboard, which would be a problem for people who use arcade cabinet).
You could use the little file which is to download here (under 'Panasonic 3DO'):

Don't hesitate to go to that page to get specific information on an emulator!!
(Do me a took me ages to gather those information  ;))

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:21 pm
by davhuit
Thanks, I'll try.

I used this page for most of my emulators when I first set them up but for this one that I just added (so later after the first setup), I forgot to go check there.

Re: Missings emulators.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:30 pm
by davhuit
I just tested with the file and the emulator still don't quit with "ESC", it still switch to "windowed mode" instead.

Edit : After a look in the xml file, it seems it get overerwrited when you configure the joypad and the "ESC" key binding is lost, but that's not a big problem, I don't plan to use that emulator often anyway.