Demulshooter help

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Hi all, I'm looking for a solution to have multiple CMD commands for teknoparrot so I can use Deemulshooter.
I need a DOS command for each game so that the lightguns work without having to change it all the time and currently I can only assign a single command.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance

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Except making a special script for each game, I don't see.
I m using too this sytem (out of mgalaxy) and all command are different according to game.
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Ok thank you very much for taking the time to answer me

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I was asking a question that was never replied there: it the same concern?
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If my understanding of DemulShooter is good, I think that mGalaxy already has the tools to achieve what you want:

  • Open mGalaxy_Runway
  • Create a Sega Naomi system
  • Choose Demul as emulator and set the path to it (choose the correct version of Demul, I can see on their page that some games require a specific version of Demul, Ref.: ... #for-demul)
  • Set the rom folder. Note that the rom folder should also be set in Demul
  • Switch to the 'Extra' tab
  • There, set 'Enable' on
  • Set the path to DemulShooter
  • In the 'Command' fiel, enter the command line for DemulShooter.
    You can find the commands and options there too: ... d-options-
    -target=demul07a -rom=%file -noresize -widescreen -v
    I've used here for the example '-target=demul07a' but the target could be another according to the emulator you want to use. Ref.: ... #for-demul
    %file here represents the rom name and will be substituted by the real rom name at runtime
So, the principle in other words and by the example
  • You'll have to create a folder grouping all the light gun games for a specific system...Let's take 'Naomi_LightGun'
  • You'll perhaps even have to group them further by Demul compatibility...So let's rather choose 'Naomi_LightGun_Demul07a'
    (Note that a path to those roms should be set in Demul too!)
  • You'll have to create a new system in mGalaxy_Runway, choose 'Demul' as emulator, set the path to the specific Demul version (here 'Demul07a')...and finally set the rom folder to our 'Naomi_LightGun_Demul07a'
  • You'll have to switch to the 'Extra' tab, enable 'Pre-Launch', set the path to DemulShooter and add the parameter, with '-target' corresponding to the nomenclature used by DemulShooter. So here "-target=demul07a", followed by a space and -rom=%file
Make as many 'system'/'emu used' combination that DemulShooter force you to do!
You can then create a group in mGalaxy_Runway, called "Light Gun" to group them all ;)

Hope that all this is clear and makes sense!
Last edited by mgalaxy on Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And I have another question @Guillomm69 you don't have problem to run arcade game using MGalaxy ?
Because sometime need to run the executable, other time use a loader, ect ,,, And mGalaxy can have problem with the application to check to see if the game is sill running ?

Mgalaxy can use *.bat file as "rom file", you can make a bat file for each game, you just need to be sure the cmd windows is not closed before you close the game itself.
Last edited by Aeliss on Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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