mGalaxy no longer downloading rom art media

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Joined: Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:18 pm

At first, Runway was downloading all of the associated art media for my MAME library. Admittedly, I did interrupt it, even restart it a couple of times, all whilst I was experimenting and discovering the software. For some reason though, it stopped downloading any art media. All of the folders are still correct, plus I even tried deleting all of the previously downloaded materia so as to start freshl. Once I try again though, it won't download any art media at all. All necessary boxes are checked, selected, etc, but I now have a game menu with no logos, screenshots or videos whatsoever.
Any help on how to correct this would be greatly appreciated.
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Interesting update.

After leaving it for a couple of days, I began the media update within Runway today to find that it was now downloading the associated rom media. HOWEVER.. After downloading all media correctly between titles A to I, it then decided to start breezing through titles and no longer downloaded content after this point. It continued to show that it was "Updating data for...", but image previews no longer displayed, nor was it downloading the media.
Is it possible that there is a download limit from the server? Do I need to wait a couple more days before I can download the media for the rest of my library?

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Yes indeed, Screenscraper recently decided to limit bandwidth (especially when the server is busy) to registered users (the registering is free by the way)....
I had to adapt mGalaxy to this move, this is now achieved, you can see scraping speed in action in this video:
This is part of the next mGalaxy update...but unfortunately I can't give you a precise released date!? Surely at the beginning of September! (if you are on a hurry maybe I can send you the beta version!?)
Last edited by mgalaxy on Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:18 pm

Thank you for the reply.
I am happy to be patient between download sessions. I just wanted to confirm that was the case.
Do you know how long of a wait is required between server limits?
Thank you again.
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