I would like put a commercial about video games to watch in mGalaxy. Is it possible? How do?
Commercial / videos on mGALAXY (RETROCUBE)
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
I will try to use some portable player to run the videos ... I think in VLC or KMPlayer.
Let's see ...
I post if progress or not.
I will try to use some portable player to run the videos ... I think in VLC or KMPlayer.
Let's see ...
I post if progress or not.
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
I used smplayer PORTABLE and could run the videos.
It was not 100%, but it is working!
I used smplayer PORTABLE and could run the videos.
It was not 100%, but it is working!
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
It may work, but I could not make it work.
It may work, but I could not make it work.
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
I did some more tests and it did not work ... I give up.
I did some more tests and it did not work ... I give up.
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
Using mGalaxy (and VLC) to play video files:
Create a new system in systems.xml file:
I've set some extensions inside the <Extensions> tags, you can of course add as many a you want.
Create a new folder inside the "mGalaxy 'Data' folder. Name it 'Video Player' and place the icon I've attached to this post inside.
Create a new system in systems.xml file:
Code: Select all
<System Type="Computer">
<Name>Video Player</Name>
<Emu selected="0">
<Cmd id="0" hidden="false" name="VLC" value="--fullscreen --global-key-quit="Esc" "%path\%file%ext""/>
Create a new folder inside the "mGalaxy 'Data' folder. Name it 'Video Player' and place the icon I've attached to this post inside.
Last edited by mgalaxy on Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hey, this was sort of what I was looking for when I mentioned a Mame Screen saver. Now are there lines we can add into this script so that once we select a video from the mGalaxy screen and it plays to the end then it will just randomly select another video in that folder and keep playing random vieos until we want to go back to the main menu??
P.S - Sorry Marcelo if it seems I hijacked your thread, but this is also something in the lines of what I was aking for almost, not quite but good enough
P.S - Sorry Marcelo if it seems I hijacked your thread, but this is also something in the lines of what I was aking for almost, not quite but good enough
Last edited by dashingw on Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It worked !!!
It was fun to watch the commercial of each console!
Very thanks for the help!
It worked !!!
It was fun to watch the commercial of each console!
Very thanks for the help!
Marcelo Nietto
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
N13770 TV - Carros, Games, Cinema, Brinquedos, Rock'n'Roll e Diversos
A script that random play video. To put in vlc folder.
You NEED to add the option ----one-instance in the command line or you will have a new window for next video
This script work for all file, so avoid to have a *.txt in the folder
You need to change the sleep values according to your temporisation.
This script isn't finished and I will don't finish it, but it's a good base to start your own script.
You NEED to add the option ----one-instance in the command line or you will have a new window for next video
This script work for all file, so avoid to have a *.txt in the folder
You need to change the sleep values according to your temporisation.
Code: Select all
#include <Array.au3>
Local $count = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, ".exe", 0 , 1, 1)
local $app = StringLeft ( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
local $command = StringTrimLeft( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
if not $command then exit 0
;Special parsing
$count = StringInStr($command, '"', 0 , -2)
local $folder = StringTrimLeft( $command, $count )
$command = StringLeft( $command, $count - 2)
$count = StringInStr($folder, '\', 0 , -1)
$folder = StringTrimright( $folder, $count )
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Local $avi_folder = _FileListToArray($folder, "*.*", 1)
If IsArray($avi_folder) Then
;_ArrayDisplay($avi_folder) ; View contents of $avi_folder
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Files not found in directory")
local $avinumber = UBound($avi_folder) - 1
local $Randomfile =''
local $PID
$Randomfile = $avi_folder[Random(1, $avinumber )]
$PID = Run ('"' & $app & '" ' & $command & ' "' & $folder & $Randomfile & '"')
While 1
$Randomfile = $avi_folder[Random(1, $avinumber )]
Run ('"' & $app & '" ' & $command & ' "' & $folder & $Randomfile & '"')
exit 0
Func Terminate()
While ProcessExists ( $PID )
ProcessClose ( $PID )
Exit 0
This script isn't finished and I will don't finish it, but it's a good base to start your own script.